Primarily, balance boards are used to improve balance and proprioception. Proprioception is the ability to sense the position of your limbs and j...
How is migraine different from other types of headache?
Migraine represents a state of hypersensitivity of the brain, wherein normal stimuli such as pain, sound and light become intolerable.Migrain...
What causes migraine and to what extent do our daily stressors trigger migraine?
The exact cause of migraine is unknown; however, in patients suffering with migraine, we often see some common triggers such as stress. Other tri...
Ergonomic Tips for Computer Users
Chair and Workstation GuidelinesThere are health benefits to keeping your chair and workstation adjusted to the type of work you are doing....
Scapular Dyskinesia
What is Scapular Dyskinesia?Alteration in the normal static and dynamic position or motion of scapula during coupled scapula-humeral motion. ...
Role of Physical Therapy after Breast Cancer Surgery
Migraine is a neurological disorder that affects the brain. It manifests with multiple complaints, the most prominent of which is heada...
Tendon Gliding Exercises
Addition of Tendon Gliding Exercises to Conservative Physiotherapy Management Improves Hand Function in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS...
Mitochondrial Myopathy ?
Mitochondrial myopathy is a group of genetic diseases caused by defects in the way that mitochondria, or powerhouses in the cells, make energy fo...
What is migraine?
Migraine is a neurological disorder that affects the brain. It manifests with multiple complaints, the most prominent of which is headache.Th...
World Alzheimer’s Day September 21
Memory complaints are quite common in society. In younger adults, these are most often associated with life style factors most prominently the pr...