What is Scapular Dyskinesia?
Alteration in the normal static and dynamic position or motion of scapula during coupled scapula-humeral motion.
Three categories:
- Type 1: Prominence of the infero-medial border of scapula
- Type 2: Prominence of entire medial border
- Type 3: Prominence of the superior medial border
Physiotherapy Assessment
Appropriate Clinical Measures are:
- Determining the presence or absence of Dyskinesia
- Symptoms altering test
- Scapular Retraction Test
- Scapular Assistance test
- Manual Muscle Testing
- Upper and Lower trapezius and Serratus Anterior
- Pectoralis Minor Tightness
- Core Strength
Assessing and considering all these factors will help correct the rhythm of the Scapula, thus improving Scapulo Humeral Instability